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August 2015

Bracken and Bramble

Bracken and Bramble Walking in the countryside is a great way to explore nature, the dales are abundant in wildlife and flowers, rewarding for nature lovers of all ages. One of my favourite pastimes as a young child was many hours spent collecting and pressing wild meadow flowers, later as a teenager I developed my interest and studied rural science which broadened my knowledge. It wasn’t until very much later… Read More »Bracken and Bramble

The Power of Pamper

A few years of suffering with recurrent back and neck problems brought on with bad posture a trapped nerve, stress and tension due to my occupation as a beautician, almost stopping me from perusing the career I loved. Previous treatment included physiotherapy and neck traction, as the persistent problems recurred I began to recognise the onset of my condition; I thought I would strike whilst the iron was hot, so… Read More »The Power of Pamper