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Truly Essential – October

“Look forward to the Sun Rise and Sun Set”. Hello October So my Tai Chi journey begins this month. Starting the first week of October, every Thursday at Craven Leisure Skipton I have my own TaiChi for Health class running for members and non members. I also qualified the first weekend in October to teach Seated Tai Chi. Great exercise for anyone who needs movement in their day. Perfect for… Read More »Truly Essential – October

Truly Essential – September

” Every day is a new start” I hit the ground running, this the first week of September. completing my Tai Chi for Health training on Sunday the 1st. I am now a certified Dr Paul Lam Tia Chi for Health instructor, teaching Tai Chi for health to all abilities. Find out more by visiting my website or my Facebook group Truly Essential Tai Chi I could not have completed this with out… Read More »Truly Essential – September

Focus on Fennel

Sweet Fennel – Foeniculum vulgare What a wonderfully weird plant Fennel is.  It’s feathery delicate foliage adds texture and hight to your herb garden, with tiny yellow flowers in umbrella like clusters. Which create a perfect pillow of nectar to entice pollinators in abundance, especially bees, hornets and hoverfly’s, who love the pollen these little flowers provide. . Culinery Herb Fennel flowers, seeds and leaf are edible, commonly used with… Read More »Focus on Fennel

Truly Essential – August

“Just be yourself, everyone else is taken” Hazy Days and Holidays Maybe not! Holidays yes, but thunder lightening and torrential rain to kick start August. My busiest holiday prep weeks are over so I thought I would offer my clients a summer promotion, this time make-up. Skincare Range My skincare range has been getting great reviews and winning prizes this year. So I thought I would let my clients know… Read More »Truly Essential – August

Why Eve Taylor Skincare

Keeping it Real & Authentic So here I am on a mission, at the Beauty Conference North, Manchester. With a trusted friend, who’s also a qualified beautician, a person who know’s me well. We had a job to do, a decission had to be made. I was looking to purchase a new skincare range; something I could build my business on. I was looking for something professional, affordable, quality with… Read More »Why Eve Taylor Skincare

A Truly Essential – July

“So you want to be different, just be yourself” Val Preston Calm Before the Storm The first week of July as been quite relaxing and calm. I have restocked my skincare and waxing supplies. Preparing myself for what lies a head, only two weeks until the schools break for summer and the holiday which is a very busy period for Truly Essential. Preparation & Protection Two great pieces of skincare… Read More »A Truly Essential – July

Truly Essential Web Logo

A Truly Essential – June

“Don’t give up or give in, just find a way.” Val Preston. Tai Chi The month started strong with two Tai Chi classes, I am supporting local Tia Chi instructors Phil and Helen of HunTun Tai Chi. Extra help for them and valuable teaching experience for me. Group for Business, Community and the Individual How about this for a Facebook group Give Back to Nature I decided to create it… Read More »A Truly Essential – June

Roses are Red

Roses are Red and Truly Wonderful A rose, is a rose, is a rose. (Gertrude Stein) They bloom in many colours with a unmistakable fragrance and have many useful properties. Being  the nations favourite flower, worn as emblems, given as love tokens and in the past battles have been fought in their name. Bees love the traditional old and wild original species, like the wild dog rose, which has a… Read More »Roses are Red

Ginger Warming Relaxing and Grounding

We approach midwinter, and the days with the shortest daylight hours. This year it has been particularly dark and gloomy with high rainfall, bad visibility and high winds, not inspiring conditions at all. Yes it is wet, cold, dark and gloomy in the winter months, but in December’s defence, that is normal in our part of the world. Many animals hibernate, a self-defence mechanism against the lack of fresh food, dropping… Read More »Ginger Warming Relaxing and Grounding