We approach midwinter, and the days with the shortest daylight hours. This year it has been particularly dark and gloomy with high rainfall, bad visibility and high winds, not inspiring conditions at all.
Yes it is wet, cold, dark and gloomy in the winter months, but in December’s defence, that is normal in our part of the world.
Many animals hibernate, a self-defence mechanism against the lack of fresh food, dropping temperatures and severe weather conditions.
Humans feel the same impulse to stay by the fireside, changing their routines, exercise and eating habits. Often with feelings of lethargy, tired achy muscles, cold hands and feet and the odd seasonal virus, colds and flu this can be a challenging time of year.

So let me introduce you to Ginger essential oil and its wonderful therapeutic properties.
Ginger is warming and stimulating, its application in a massage blend or bath stimulates the circulation and the digestion.
Making it a perfect choice in winter to warm the body and lift the emotions, also helpful at settling the digestion, particularly useful after overindulging at this festive time.
It is also a great essential oil for use in massage for poor circulation for sufferers of cold hands and feet improving and stimulating circulation.
Ginger increases feelings of well-being and improving the immune system it’s comforting, warming and fortifying. Ginger if blended with sweet orange, or any citrus oil lifts the emotions a great option for blowing away the winter blues, which can be evident due to the lack of daylight hours, making it very useful oil for sufferers of SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Caution must be used when blending with Ginger it is a very grounding oil and can overpower other essential oils 2 – 3 drops is all that is required in a 15 ml carrier oil or bath blend. It blends well with most citrus oils, neroli, ylang ylang, geranium, rose, frankincense, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, and vetiver.
Ginger works well in a burner offering tonic, meditation, and aphrodisiac benefits. Strengthening and relaxing the emotions.
Very sensitive skin is the only contra-indication to using ginger, do not apply to the skin if you have this condition. Always use in a carrier oil or cream and never ingest essential oils.
Relaxing & Grounding Ginger Mineral Salt Bath Recipe
This is my favourite way to use ginger essential oil, its warming properties relax tired muscles and minds, the salts soften and the sweet almond oil hydrates and moisturise skin, just add 2-3 scoops to your bath.
- 250 ml Kilner jar/ jam jar must be airtight.
- 100 ml Himalayan pink salt
- 100 ml Dead Sea Mineral salt
- 50 ml Bicarbonate of soda (softens the water)
- 10 ml Sweet Almond carrier oil add all the essential oils and blend well together.
- 2 drops Ginger essential oil – 2 drops sandalwood – 6 drops Sweet orange – 1 drop lemon-grass essential oil recipe
Add all the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix well, then add the Essential oil blend. Once again, mix well.
Place all ingredients into the jar for storage, use as required either in a foot or full bath as a relaxing grounding bath or foot soak.
Ginger essential oil like many things is not just for Christmas, it works any day of the year.
Merry Christmas x

Want to know more about aromatherapy, to purchase, workshops, follow me on twitter, like my Facebook page, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn www.trulyessential.co.uk